Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Un inverno migliore (A better winter)

E 'un inverno migliore di quest'anno.

Quando si tratta di inverno in Rubanda, è davvero freddo, parruccone ma senza neve. I mesi di giugno ad agosto sono famose mesi secchi fornendo sole molto caldo durante il giorno e notti fredde esatto contrario e la mattina.

L'altro periodo dell'anno, ha mescolato se di aria calda e fredda che è sempre a disagio per i bambini a scuola. Come un dispositivo di riscaldamento bambini vengono prima impegnati in esercizi fisici per generare il calore del corpo su un assieme prima di poter entrare nelle loro aule.

Durante il vostro ultimo viaggio in Uganda, Terry e Cristina avete condiviso con la nostra parte figli di questo fatto e non si poteva credere quanto duri questi bambini subito la freddezza con i loro vestiti del tempo non amichevole opure non buoni per freddo. Grazie per essere venuto e condividere la nostra povertà e si avvicinò con un atto di carità a fare la differenza.

Ringraziamo tutti voi che hanno dato con generosità ai nostri figli di avere i ponticelli per la freddezza agghiacciante. I ponticelli bella calda che ha fornito loro non solo hanno mantenuto la freddezza via del loro corpo, ma ha aggiunto migliaia di sorrisi tonnellata loro volti.

Sappiamo quanto si formano una buona squadra di entrambi i coordinatori e sostenitori di Ospitaletto con Francesca e Villa Carcina con Terry e Cristina.
Ricorda, qualsiasi cosa fatta per i poveri con amore porta gioia perenne e trasforma i cuori.

I vostri figli si inviano un sacco di gioiosa gratitudine e vi auguriamo un felice natale. Essi sono dovuti andare per la loro vacanza dicembre 1 / 2011 fino a gennaio 6 / 2012.

Possa Dio continuare a benedire voi fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo.


It's a better winter this year.

When it comes to winter in Rubanda, its really cold, fogy though snow-less. The months of June through August are famous dry months providing very hot sun during the day and very opposite cold nights and mornings.
The other period of the year has mixed whether of warm and cold air that is always uncomfortable for children in the school. As a heating device children are first engaged in physical exercises to generate body heat on an assembly before they can enter their classrooms.

During your last trip to Uganda, Terry and Claudia you shared with our children part of this whether and you couldn't believe how tough these children endured the coldness with their non weather friendly clothes. Thank you  for coming and sharing our poverty  and came up with an act of charity to make a difference. 

We thank all of you who have given generously to our children to have jumpers for chilling coldness. The beautiful warm jumpers you provided them have not only kept the coldness  away of their body but added thousands of smiles ton their faces.

We know how much you make up a good team of  both co-coordinators and supporters from Ospitaletto with Francesca and Villa Carcina with Terry and Claudia.

Remember, anything done to the poor with love bears everlasting joy and transforms the hearts.

Your children send you plenty of joyful gratitude and wish you a Happy Christmas . They are due to go for their vacation on December 1/2011 until January 6/2012.

May God continue to bless you until we meet again.

Monday, November 14, 2011

 A study Trip through Bwindi Impenetrable Forest of
Western Uganda.

"Quality Education" Is Our Key Mission to "Improved Quality of Life"

 It was on 12th November that our children of Rubanda Solidarity Nursery/Primary school made their first historical study trip to "Bwindi impenetrable forest" in western Uganda. The students were eager to learn but much more than that, they wanted to see what nature still holds in store for them and their nation. Below, see this amazing forest from one angle snap.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Western Uganda 2011

Students study causes of rains and waterfalls 2011

Like Sr Beatrice we hope these children will make a difference of Rubanda.
These students are just fascinated at nature
"The day was long for the kids because it was rainy, long drive, cold snacks,  walking through wet jungles, fear of wild animals though in tight security by game rangers. They also  returned to school quite late and tired", the projects coordinator acknowledged.
But for the kids things seemed different. " It was fun traveling far away, spending a day in the jungle tracking elephants and Chimpanzees, Baboons and Gorillas,  eating packed foods, listening to the birds and animals singing in the jungles and finding shelter under trees against the rains amidst thunder storms fears", one of the students narrated.The pictures tell it all.

students navigate through the humus jungle
It was a real study trip for kids. Have a look through the pictures and get inspired of the beauty of nature in Uganda and much more of the future generations to conserve it. These children are a big hope and we need to invest in them with a knowledge that is creative and world loving.

They get inspired while walking through the jungle and seeing its richness in spite of how much devastation and harm humanity has been done to it in their surrounding communities.

Rubanda Solidarity school-grades 5 &6 2011
 Rubanda Solidarity school believes in  "improved quality of life. And we hope that these children's  quality education will enable them to make a difference in life and conservation of our environment in to improve live in  very near future.

From its bare eroded hills and valleys, Rubanda is almost understood that more than 70% of its  green carpet has been destroyed through deforestation and reclamation due to acute need for fuel and land that have increased with population pressure. These issues among others have not only left these hills and valleys bare but run out of natural resources and highly threatening as dangerous future social economic hazards to the entire community and nation.

Thanks to the international and national conservation  efforts that have enabled to sustain Bwindi impenetrable forest as a remaining home hundreds of the remaining animal and bird species and maintained the security of the jungle to continue to provide leaves, roots, tree back skins and herbs, the local pharmacy. It also provided a platform for birds and animals music as they always enjoy jungle recreations. Here you can find the most unseen species of the world white elephants, Chimpanzees and so on. 

The teaching staff team discussing their study findings 14th Nov. 2011
Its amazing to see how many children of Rubanda today  have not had a chance to see animals, birds and tree species that their teachers talk about in class or read about in books in look. One of the students  exclaimed as he saw an elephant in the jungle, "now I will not forget the ivory that the African slaves were forced to carry during the slave trade because I have seen two on the elephant", she narrated. Yet another boy "Oh, those beautiful fresh waters that I stood by get a snap, I will never fail that exam", he affirms to the teacher.

The Head Teacher and class teacher give kids confidence as the water roars.

Yes, this is the objective of our mission that draws its foundation from the quality education we provide. An education that provides life skills, academic and religious impact on a child for a better tomorrow. So, we are in pursuit of this quality education in season and out of season. And the administration is very grateful to the parents and the community who have actively inserted themselves with them to achieve their goal.

The administration, knows how much trouble and sacrifice parents go through squeezing from the very meager resources and biting chronic poverty to build up a better future for their children and the nation.

May the good Lord continue to bless your generosity and provide you with a ability for more esteem  and hard work..

 On a rainy morning, more than fifty children were flagged off by their fellow students to the jangles with their eyes and ears raised high to see the unseen in their history. They always heard of animal like elephants, monkeys, baboons, buffaloes, cheaters, bush backs, lions and the famous Ugandan Chimpanzees but had never seen one of them. This was an exciting day for them including their teacher.   

The school Management Committee under the Leadership of Sr. Stellamaris  after their 3rd annual meeting Nov.2011

The last picture above is the School Management Committee that plays a very significant role in the school's management and  development. Its composition is amazing: Founding body, community representatives body and local government representatives.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ugandan kids dance at their 49th Independence Day

Ugandans  are proud of  their country's independence, 49 years ago on October  9, 1962.  
Gaze at the picture of proud Kids of the Pearl of Africa as they represent the nation to invite you to join them in the match to equip them for the tough years a head of them.
Ugandan children joyfully dance at the nation's 49th independence Day celebrations in Lira Oct. 9th 2011

Below, enjoy the Google Uganda Logo created for the Day celebrations as well, Published on: Monday, October 10th, 2011