Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Moving mountains together !

21 Students & teachers  pause for their group pic Nov. 4-6 2012 before exam.

 Dear friends of Rubanda Solidarity,
Let’s join together to congratulate and celebrate our 21 finalists!

 “If only you had little faith, you would move mountains". Yes, together we have done it. We have begun to move lots of mountains in Rubanda. 

Hope you recall that our school started far back in 2004 as a study class to find out why children highly dropped out of school and performed poorly? 

The findings of that study with 90 kids indicated lack of food in most households and lack of meals at schools as a major cause. 
Students & teachers pause for a photo before leaving the school on Nov. 6, 2012
Moved by compassion and concern to children who run through the day walking long distances on foot to the nearest school, we started mobilizing the community to do something about the situation.

In 2005 putting our vision, mission, immediate and short term goals and objectives together, we started a community Day and Boarding School to carter for these kids. At that time what was clear in my mind was that to fight both acute and chronic poverty one needed to join hands with others. This made me focus on community and outside promoting "United we succeed" as our motto and "Solidarity" as our new school's name.

Yes, we have walked through valleys and mountains and not got stuck there. We have instead started to bring mountains together. Guess what? 

The real news is that with the release of the results of the Uganda National Primary Leaving Examination (UPLE) by the Ministry of Education and Sports yesterday revealed that out of the total number of our 21 students who started with us in 2005 and sat for their national exams to high education between Nov. 4-6 last year, 19 of them scored with the highest grade while the other 2 scored with scored grade. Please, expect the details in the next communication.

The results show an incredible and exciting start for our school in the history of our improved  child care and focus on quality education for kids in Rubanda community as our over all vision remains better standards of living and a happy and healthy community  with equal opportunities. 

The performance of our kids is unique. Its the first of its kind in the history of formal education in the whole of Rubanda Sub County which has over 35 primary schools. We congratulate our kids and all those who have labored so hard to  build confidence in the kids and produce amazing results of the highest number ever in a single year by a single class in the sub county. We believe and know that it was a combined effort. Please,wait for the details of the results later in the next communication.

Not exaggerating, my dreams have been fulfilled. I have got the answer to them and I know and confirm that rural children are as capable as rural kids. They are ready to compete with urban children or children with well to do parents and families,  only if they are provided with similar opportunities. They always lack basic necessities and sufficient economic and social support to encourage them to believe in themselves. 

From the beginning of the project in 2005 I was also aware that providing at least for their basic needs and create a conducive environment was a basic to their healthy development and good performance like any other kid around the world. But I had no proof to present to support my hypotheses..

Now that these kids have proved it, I have more courage to invite any and every person of good will to join this noble cause. And our newly established ”Yamba Abaana-Help Children" ministry is a great opportunity and instrument to accomplish this mission.

Thank you for joining hands with the community of Rubanda for a real change. A change that leaves Rubanda different. Your contribution is highly appreciated and makes a big difference in moving the remaining mountains. 

May God continue to bless the work of our hands.

Please, direct any one with interest or find more information through our blogger  link: http://rubandasolidarity.blogspot.com/

Sunday, January 13, 2013

In memory of Simone Caselli 2012

In memory of Simone Caselli 2012
Un amico vive davvero per sempre, anche se lontano dai nostri occhi. Simone che è nato in mezzo a noi, ha vissuto in mezzo a noi, a ridere e goduto con noi, passò di là dei nostri occhi alla vista senza fine. Chiamato giovane non è il motivo di piangere, per il cielo appartiene anche a questi piccoli. Anche in questo caso, che non avrebbe il desiderio di avere i buoni dimorare con lui. Così è il nostro Dio

Foto di Simone sopra ci ispira con una vita di un giovane con un senso della vita oltre la vista umana. Simone, che la vostra speranza, la fede e l'amore si è risposto con la felicità eterna.

Per la tua mamma Claudia, Giovanni Caselli tuo padre e tua moglie Laura e gli amici, Cristo sia il loro migliore amico, come ci si allontana fisicamente dalla loro vista. Essi ti manca così tanto. I tuoi amici lontani come quelli in Uganda manchi anche tu. Ma la fede e la speranza ci sostenga tutti.

Che tu possa continuare a vivere più con noi e tra di noi attraverso quello che avete condiviso con noi, la vostra energia giovanile, lo zelo e la gioia di lavorare e divertire gli altri. Noi di conservare nella nostra memoria come i vostri genitori e amici hanno voluto la nostra scuola e bambini poveri di Rubanda.
Che tu possa continuare a dare gloria a Dio nella pace eterna. Riposa in pace.


A friend indeed lives for ever even though far away from our eyes. Simone who was born in our midst, lived among us, laughed and enjoyed with us, passed on beyond our eyes to endless sight. Called young is not the reason to cry, for heaven too belongs to such little ones. Again who would not desire to have the good ones dwell with him. So is our God.

 Simone's photo above inspires us with a life of a youth with a sense of life beyond human sight. Simone, may your hope, faith and love answered you with eternal happiness.

To your Mom Claudia, Giovanni Caselli your dad and Laura your wife and friends, Christ be their closest friend as you depart physically from their sight. They will miss you so much. Your far away friends like those in Uganda miss you too. But faith and hope sustain us all.

May you continue to live closest with us and among us through what you have shared with us, your youthful energy, zeal and joy to work and entertain others. We shall keep you in our memories as your parents and friends have wished it to our school and poor children of Rubanda.

May you continue to give glory to God in eternal Peace. Rest in Peace.