Wednesday, May 25, 2016

life skills, the way to go!

With the levels of unemployment growing high, many students in Rubanda are learning how to cope up with the situation. Its becoming more and more visible to see students going through high education and going back  home to be a burden once again to their parents or go to the streets, jobless. Life is becoming tough for them and seems there is no quick answer to fix it. The young people however, are getting more smart. They are now thinking out new ways of skills to fight the problem. Their attitudes are changing. The old stereotype notions of education that provided white color jobs even while one was still in school is changing is a legend. Days are far gone when every person who went to high education, ended up urban cities, in an office and good pay. Today skills and self employment seem to be the way to think and go for majority youth to quench off this employment scourge. In the gallery below, please find Angelo, a high school leaver that has lived the rest of his life hunting for a job. He finally decided to invest his remaining time and energy in gardening skills. He hopes that if all goes well, he will be self employed, produce food for his family and save some of it for his children's education. His goal is to make life different for his kids by shaping them into skill lovers.  

Angelo inspects his worst garden enemies ( insects and rats)
In less than half a year Angelo smiles over his garden
and prays that natural disasters don't fall on him. 
Another group of high school students is investing in
potatoes gardening project during their vacation
Water is an issue in Rubanda community, Engineers Robert (R) inspecting
 the youth he is empowering in basement construction.
They are building a water tank stand to raise the height, create
  a gravity force for a recently concluded hand dug and pumped water well.

A youth from the technical college cuts bars for
making a ring beam for the water tank stand!

In Rubanda not only boys are searching and hunting for employment.
Girls have also joined the band as education for girls
 also shoots records in the community.
Of late skills have become the most precious option to save
the young generation yearning for employment in Rubanda.
These girls are eager to learn any kind of skill that employs them,
fetches money and makes life better.

Rosette (L), a University student, Viola(M) and Gloria (R)
are both in 11th grade students eager to make a future difference.
 But they have to struggle to engage in skills during their vacation as an
add point and production for family livelihood.

Martin (front) is following in the footsteps, learning how to
handle a hoe to make life better

A one day's enormous work done.
Hard life but rewarding when one is enjoying the fruits of his own sweat.
Methodius (front) is a grade five student learning how to work too.
He wonders what next.

During their vacation Anthony (front)  a student at the school of mechanics
joins Jenifer (m) a nursery teaching student and Alex a seminarian to
prepare the ground for potato gardening to assist their elderly
grandparents who can't work any more but have to eat.

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