Thursday, May 5, 2011

Go Music @ Rubanda Solidarity development

Music energizes Rubanda youths Solidarity
"Ndyakuhaki Mukama wangye......" (what  will I offer you my Lord? )
This is the song being sung by these youths in Rubanda community. They know that all they have (little or much) is all from him.
This is an inspirational song that points out the common mistakes in community development.
Community development is more than having the improved infrastructure and basic needs.
Its the capacity of growing and walking together through daily hods and joys of life. Its all a cycle of social-economic- political and religious life.

Social life may describe it better, when you are able to hear the musical echoes of women and men working together. They work, they sing and dance together. The songs and dances are batteries and energizers of life a head, especially in tough moments.
RSDA Grade two choir develops music early hobby
Unity for success is our motto driven from the need to unite for better performance and results of which songs and dances are catalysts. They make the heart beats rejoice even in troubles.

A community that sings together develops immensely. To develop an African community invest in its social development dimensions of which you may not forget involvement and Participation as essential ingredients.

We teach our kids how to live a song of life. That is fighting all sorts of egoism, selfishness and individualism. These are serious development worms. They breed laziness, envy, jealousy, hate  and all sorts of malpractices that paralyze and cripple the strong together with the weak in the community. Then stealing changes its face into corruption, a disguised evil. 

These youths, energetic as they are need to watch over idleness. They need to keep innovative and creative so as not to be scotched by poverty. Poverty that incapacitates all potentials and inflicts suffering to present and future generations.   

Rubanda Solidarity is concerned of improving the livelihoods of  Rubanda community.  But we would do insignificantly without you. 

Please, to join us just post a comment in the window provided below and you will be connected to us. 

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